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The North Star North Region Jaycees Newsletter January 2001 Hey North Region, Are you ready to rrrrrummmmble! You have just elected one of the mot dedicated region boards in recent history. I feel I can speak for the whole board when I say thank you for showing so much support for us. With that said, its time to get busy. It's my goal to help the chapters and members of the chapter reach their potential. As I see it this region is read to explode. We have so much raw talent in this region that we can't help but be successful in anything we set our minds to. It's my belief that there are two keys to success. The first key is to have fun. If we as Jaycees stop having fun then it becomes work. The way to keep it fun is through teamwork. The best way to promote teamwork within your chapter is through communication. That's why it is important to make sure every member has a chapter roster and that a newsletter is going out regularly. It is also important to have local directors in your chapter. The local director has a vital part in the success of your chapter. They are the link between the board of directors and the regular members. Without this link many chapters fall into a pattern of having only the board participate in projects and then when it comes time for the member to renew they don't because they have been left out. The second key is training and organization. If the members of the chapter are not trained then they will be less likely to participate with projects. It is as simple as that. I believe everyone who joins the Jaycees has the right to learn as much as they can about the organization they belong to. I also feel it is the obligation of the chapter boards to provide and/or arrange for that training. You may say, that sounds great but who is going to train the chapter boards. That's where the region board comes in. It is the duty of the region board and its members to provide and/or arrange for training that the chapters and its members ask for or need. This includes training such as tool days. It also includes one-on-one training with individual chapters and/or members. Throughout the year the region board as well as the district directors will be holding training sessions. They need your input as to the content of these trainings. Chapter board members are encouraged to come to region local officer training (ROTS). This will be an excellent opportunity to get training and ask questions regarding the duties of your new positions. Information on ROTS can be found on a flyer inside this newsletter. I also mentioned organization. The Jaycees offer excellent training in this area. Concepts like CPG's and Blue Chip are very similar to the concepts taught in many colleges. By using these tools you can attack any project or problem. Every successful business has a plan. The Jaycees are a not for profit business. I strongly urge every chapter to submit a first submission for Blue Chip, complete with a chapter plan. This is the plan for your chapter's Jaycee year. It does not have to be a work of art. It is just a why of putting down on paper your goals for the year. It is just a proposal and should be used as a tool to help guide your chapter. This year the region board contains two of the best paperwork people in the state, Chapter Management Program Manager Karen Blanck and Assistant Region Director Wendy L. Copeland. Use them! Next I would like to discuss something that has just been brought to our states attention. The Junior Chamber International has raised their dues by effective January 1st, 2001 This has the effect of raising the dues each chapter pays each member both new and renewed by two dollars. The new rates are .50 for new members and .50 for renewals. This has caught all of us off guard. The state has had such short notice that many dues kits have been sent out with the old prices. Please make the appropriate adjustments. If you have any questions please call me and I will be happy to talk to you in greater detail. I do want each of you to know that I was very angry with this and have had it investigated. Both the U.S and State constitutions say the cost is passed down to the chapters. I know this sucks, but it is out of our control. All I can do is communicate how unprofessional this is and how it further promotes the bad image the U.S. Jaycees already have with many of the chapters. Enough of that negative stuff, I want to announce a few things I would like to do. First, the region board is very busy on trying to make a full region directory. I have always wanted to see this happen and now that it is up to me it is going to happen. I need your help. Please call me or email me with your chapter's officer roster complete with a phone number and any other way to contact that officer. I feel this will help promote region unity. Another thing I would like to announce is a contest concerning this years North Region T-Shirt. On the back of it we are going to put the 10 top ways to spot a North Region Jaycee. All entries are to be given to a region board member by March 1st, 2001. Further information will be given as it becomes available. The final topic I would like to discuss is for the presidents. I would like to see all of you participate in the local presidents advisory council. This is an excellent forum for the presidents to get together and air issues as well as come up with suggestions for the region board on what the region could do for the chapters and the region. The LPAC representative will be on the agenda for every region board meeting. I feel this opens the lines of communication and can only help the region and the chapters that participate. In closing, I would like to thank all of you for the faith you have shown in me by electing me Region Director. I am dedicated to doing the best job that I can do and look forward to helping each chapter achieve their potential. Remember, together we will succeed 'Right Here, Right Now" Jon Bisesi Region Director ASSISTANT REGION DIRECTOR Wendy L. Copeland Splendid New Year to all of you North Region Jaycees! Congratulations to all the officers for the 2001 Jaycee year. My name is Wendy L. Copeland and I am the Assistant Region Director for 2001. For those of you that I do not know, I will give you a little history about my exciting Jaycee career. Fasten your seatbelts, this is an exciting ride.... Okay, I joined the Palatine Jaycees in July of 1987. I have held several offices including State Director, Membership VP, Local Director, Region MDA Chair, Region MS Chair, Chapter Management VP, Local President, Region and IL State Chaplain, and District Director. I have chaired a myriad of projects in all areas of the Jaycees. I received my JCI Senatorship (#58825) in August of 1997. Now that you know all that exciting information about me, let me tell you why I bothered to include it here. First, like all "old" Jaycees, I love any chance to brag about all my important accomplishments. Secondly, I want you to realize that as a member of the Region Board I am available to assist you in any way I can. I have a vast background, have worked with all types of people, have been trained by some of the best Jaycee trainers and want to share that knowledge and experience with you. If I can't use my experience to help you have a better Jaycee career, than what did I learn? Important note...in spite of 13 years of being a Jaycee, I still do not have ESP. If you want help or support with a project, event, morale, you need to ask. We have a wonderful group of people on the Region Board this year, but you need to utilize us. Please feel free to contact me to assist you by calling, 847/358-0497, or e-mailing, WendyElvis@aol.com. I hope to see many of you at Region Officer Training on January 31. Until then... Wendy L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM MANAGER Patti S. Weicker North Region Jaycees the year is 2001! Are you ready? Well, regardless of whether we are ready or not, the New Year is here! As the first North Region Administrative Program Manager we will be learning as the year moves on. If you need any help on anything, let me know. If I don't have the answer, I will find someone that does! The first line of business is that I need names, addresses, telephone and email addresses of each of the chapter's Board of Directors. Presidents please have this to me by January 9th at the latest, so why not take care of this "Right Here, Right Now." I can be reached at (847) 590-8263 or by email at Youall@mediaone.net. District # 1 Rolling Meadows, Mt. Prospect, Des Plaines, Streamwood Eric Bowman "It's all about you" Hello District #1, I am Eric Bowman and I will be your D.D. for the year 2001. For those of you who don't know me let me give you a brief introduction. I have been a Jaycee since April 1995 when I joined the Elk Grove Village Jaycees. I have been an officer for most of the time. I was President for two years, served as Internal VP, and most recently as Treasurer. I think the experience I have gained will really help me in working with all of your chapters. My theme for the year will be "It's all about you". I believe very strongly that the individuals make up the strength of any chapter. I would like to see every chapter strive to make each one of their members be the best they can be. I will be helping by offering training, and different challenges throughout the year. Your chapter will be much stronger with well-trained and informative members. Over the next month or so, I would like to meet with the Presidents of each of the chapters to determine what the needs of their members are. I think working together we can map out a plan to effectively help each chapters individual members get what they want. I will be attending all of your January GM's, with the excitement of meeting your members and learning more about your chapter. See you soon. Eric Bowman District # 1 Director District # 2 Buffalo Grove, Park Ridge, Palatine, Schaumburg Tina Dobson Hello District #2! A new beginning is upon us, and I double dare you to take advantage of it! The best thing to do is to sit down and plan what you want to accomplish this year - set those goals high because the higher you set them, the higher you are going to reach to achieve them. One of the best ways to start off the year is by attending LOTS. Everyone is new to the positions that we have right now, and the best way to feel more comfortable with what you are doing is by going to training and learning about what you are supposed to do. You will also get to meet people around the state that are holding the same positions as you. Hopefully you can start some great friendships and meet people that will be able to help you throughout the year! You have an incredible Region staff available to help you this year. Don't be afraid to ask! I can't promise that we will know all of the answers, but we will do whatever it takes to help you figure it out. I'm really looking forward to being your DD this year. It is going to be a lot of work, but we are going to have so much fun along the way! Tina Dobson District # 2 Director District # 3 Northbrook, Elk Grove Village, Antioch, Wheeling, Gurnee Garrett McNally Hi everybody! Welcome to the 2001 Jaycee Year! I'm very honored to be staying on as District Director for District #3 here in the North Region. I am looking forward to working with many new chapters (at least to me) and a few of the same from last year. We are really gearing up for another great year here in the North. A few of our upcoming events are listed in our calendar of events that if at all possible you should try and take advantage of. First, the Illinois Jaycees will be hosting LOTS (Local Officers Training) down in Bloomington, IL the weekend of Jan. 13th and 14th. Many of us from the North Region will be attending and would be happy to coordinate car pooling and room sharing. This is a great event if you have never been and have stepped up to be on your local board of directors or are considering filling an empty position as you will have a chance to meet other people from all over the state that have the same position. The trainers are TOP NOTCH!!! My last year's trainer went on to become this year's state president so it really is a great training session and also a chance to meet and make some new friends. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to attend and want to share a ride down. Next, on January 20th we will be having our North Region Jaycee Regional which is also year end awards and I have it from some reliable sources there will be many chapters, local members, and projects that will be receiving much deserved recognition so come on out and join us for a night of fun. Next we will be having another opportunity for some local training on Jan 31st at our ROTS training which is similar to LOTS only it will be in Mount Prospect rather than Bloomington and will involve only members in the North Region so if you can't make it to LOTS down in Bloomington maybe the 31st could work into your calendar. Even if you do go to LOTS it is still a good idea to attend ROTS as you can share some idea and suggestions with those that couldn't make it down to LOTS as well as have some fun meeting other local north region members and officers. Last but certainly not least, the Illinois Jaycees will be hosting our year end GA down in Decatur in February. Please take advantage of the resources available as we are getting this new Jaycee year off and rolling. Without the local members we wouldn't accomplish much or have near as much fun (or work to do). Also, please welcome our "official newest chapter in the North Region - THE GURNEE JAYCEES!!!. We will be having their first meeting at Salutos up in Gurnee on January 8th at 7:30 so if your not busy and would like to come out and welcome in our newest chapter please contact me and I can give you more details. Thanks for all that you do in your communities and for the Jaycees in general. Let's go out and make a difference and have some fun along the way!! Garrett Mc Nally District # 3 Director (847) 202-8976 home (630) 368-7877 work (847) 431-3751 cell Please call if you have any questions or need any help with upcoming projects/meetings CHAPTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MANAGER Karen Blanck Hi North Region! My name is Karen Blanck and I'm your new North Region Chapter Management Program Manager. My job this year is to help YOU have a great year. I will be contacting each of you over the next few weeks to learn what your training needs are and how I can help you to achieve success! This is a busy and exciting time of year for Chapter Management. Hopefully each of have already had an opportunity to meet with your Boards and start planning for the new year. A successful year starts with a good plan and this is where I come in. I will provide training so that you can write an effective chapter plan. You will also learn how to work those plans and how to evaluate and revise your goals as the year progresses. I will also be providing training for project planning during the year. The Chairman's Planning Guide (CPG) is a great tool that every chapter should be using for every project that they run. I'd like the opportunity this year to not only explain the benefits of doing a CPG, but how to write an effective one. Blue Chip is a program every Chapter in the GREAT North Region should be participating in. Following the Blue Chip requirements provides chapters with the well-rounded programming they need to attract and retain membership. As a reminder, the 1st Blue Chip submission will be sometime in March so it is obviously the first thing we need to focus on this year. Once again, I will be providing some training in this area. Jaycee paperwork isn't just a bunch of busy work or isn't done just for submitting for awards. It has a real purpose and hopefully this year you will all learn the benefits and how-to's to completing it. I look forward to meeting you, working with you this year, and talking to you soon! If I don't get to you before you have a question, please feel free to call me at home (847) 776-7630 or at work (847) 470-7673 or you can e-mail me at kblanck@corp.bellhowell.com. Karen INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER Jen Casty Happy Holidays North Region! How was your Christmas and New Years? What did you do? Did you travel anywhere? Did you sing Christmas carols? Did you have your children write letters to Santa Clause? Everything that I just mentioned falls under Individual Development. Yes, your correct, Hi I'm Jen Casty, of the Palatine Jaycees, and I'm your new Individual Development Program Manager for 2001. I am having a birthday of Jaycee years this month, on January 1st I turn 2 years old. As those of you know I come from a divorced family and most of the time I live with my father and Step mom (Judy). My mother lives in Buffalo Grove, IL and so I stay with her when I have Jaycee stuff going on and don't want to travel another ½ hr home to Park Ridge, IL. Yes, 1999 was a great year in my life. I became a Jaycee, I decided after 3 months to become a local director for Palatine. Well, I made it through the end of the year and won many outstanding projects for the Region and State. In the end I became THE OUTSTANDING LOCAL DIRECTOR for ILLINOIS. I participated in the Brownfield Competition and at the "End of the Year" G.A. I competed and became the Winner for the North Region and the State. I then started my journey in learning how to get trained for Nationals. I was so scared and excited at the same time. I still can't believe that I made it to the top in a little over a year. WOW! I just got back from Chattanooga, TN this past summer and represented Illinois. Yes, you might have also heard that I placed in the TOP TEN BEST BROWNFIELD (1st Year Jaycees) IN THE NATION for 1999! I've also competed in write up and I'd like to now try Jaycee Jeopardy. How many of you are reading this and don't know what I'm talking about? Well this year I'm going to try to give advice and find a new direction as to how the Great North Region can become more involved in area of Individual Development. Some things coming up in the ID Area are: I'd like to thank Dawn Bisesi of Rolling Meadows for stepping up and running the North Region Individual Development Competitions which will be held on Jan.20th at 11am until 3pm located at Rolling Meadows City Hall. Times: 11-12pm Write Up, 12-1pm Speak Up, 1-3pm Brownfield/Armbruster. This is the end of the year competition and those who win in the region are the ONLY ones aloud to participate at the next G.A. in the Individual Development Competitions. The competitions are for: Brownfield (1st year Jaycee, a person who is less than 12 months old). You need to dress in business attire and prepare a portfolio. Armbruster (Over 1 year Jaycee) you need to dress in business attire and prepare a portfolio. Family Life (A Jaycee family, with children in the Jaycees, who are given an interview) You need to dress in a business attire and prepare a portfolio. Write Up (writing an essay) is 50 minutes to write on a topic. The topic is given to you that day. Speak Up (saying a speech and giving an impromptu too). You have 5 minutes for Novice (beginner) and 7 minutes for Regular. Plus an impromptu speech. Jaycee Jeopardy (asking questions about the Jaycees), and now Debate (forming a team against each other coming up with a topic to discuss). For those of you who are shy and don't know what the competitions involve there will be our first Individual Development for the North Region. A Karokee/Speak Up Night, on Saturday, February 17th. Who Sings? Who wants to say that they spoke infront of a group of people without being very scared? I can help you and myself take that fear away. I'd also like to start having trainings for the different districts in the different areas of competitions to make everyone welcome to learn about the competitions and maybe try it. I am making a goal to ask the NORTH REGION BOARD TO COME UP WITH ONE GOAL IN THE ID AREA TO ACCOMPLISH BY THE END OF THE YEAR. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SOMETHING THAT SOMEONE IS SCARED OF DOING AND HAS NEVER DONE BEFORE. Like sing in front the National Anthem at a baseball game, Flyers Game. Or learn to speak to the President of your company and come up with a proposal, a new idea. Can we accomplish this? I'd like everyone to try. Even our Presidents of our local chapters, what is something you've never done or been scared to try? Please let me know and I'd be glad to help you make that wishes come true. Well I hope to see everyone real soon at one of your meetings or an Individual Development project/event/or training. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER Sherrie Moore "Straight from the Heart" Hi North Region Jaycees. I am proud and honored to be your Community Program Manager for the North Region. I feel I will be a good person for the job because I can bring excitement and commitment to the job. In the past I have assisted in many Community projects such as Christmas Wish Tree which we delivered presents and food baskets to those less fortunate. I feel a great service is done when helping those less advantaged. I spend most of my time assisting others in church functions and any community area I can. I give to certain charities such as the Wings program and have also introduced the Schaumburg Jaycees to them. Wings is an organization who helps women in need of housing or assistance. The WINGS or Women In Need Growing Stronger provide housing and guidance to better manage their time and money so they can be well rounded and more secure within a 2-year time. This program aids to many divorced and or single mothers in the community. I feel this project like many others can help us to see just how lucky we are. I feel it is important to provide what we can to help those who need and want our advice and services. It gives me great satisfaction to help just one person achieve their needs. I have also assisted members of my own chapter to become able to serve in the Schaumburg Chapter. In addition to all the hard work I know will be ahead for the next coming year, I also hope to include fun and enthusiasm to our EXCITED REGION. In addition I would like to welcome all the new board members and cheer them on to what hopes to be a very exciting year. With your help we can bring the North Region to great accomplishments. Lets show the community what we've got "Straight from the Heart" of the North Region. Sherrie Moore SECRETARY Amy Leonard "Communication And Training" Hello, North Region! My name is Amy Leonard, and I'm honored to serve as Secretary on the 2001 Region Board. I have been a Streamwood Jaycee since August of 1997, and am just coming off of serving 20 months as Local President of my chapter. Even though it's probably not typical I'm going to have a theme for my position on the board. It's C.A.T., which stands for Communication And Training. As secretary I plan to help in whatever I can to build up strong communication across our region. The training background is very strong in the members of this year's board, and if I can help in any way to get you to the right person please use me as a resource. I'm very excited about the things happening in our region. We have a brand new chapter to start off the year, yeah Gurnee, and there was a lot of growth in our region in 2000. As we all know it's all about the members in our membership that make our chapters strong. Let's keep up the growth trend in the North Region! I have a goal to get out to as many meetings and projects as my schedule allows, and I'm looking forward to meeting people from every chapter in the region this year. I'm glad to have the opportunity to help the North Region Board reach their goals in 2001. I believe that if we all work together as a team, we can accomplish anything we set out to do. Until Next Month…. Amy Leonard THE JAYCEE CREED We believe, That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transends the sovernity of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; The earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. TREASURER Rick Esser Greetings, Welcome to the New Year. I hope your holidays were great. The year has started and its time for us to get back to business. Below you is a copy of the income/expense voucher. Please use it for submitting a request for reimbursement. I plan on keeping tidy books for the North Region and I need your assistance to do so. I need copies of receipts for record keeping purposes and will request them before a check will be cut. Expect in January to receive a bill for region dues. Region dues are used to cover the expense of awards, the newsletter and other administrative costs incurred to run the region. These should be mailed to each chapter by the 15th of the month. The region budget is presently being developed and will be presented for approval at the region year-end meeting on January 20th. If any chapter would like assistance in setting up their annual budget please give me a call at 847-891-8037. I will be glad to help. Rick Esser North Region Jaycees Date: - - 2001 Income / Expense Voucher Check issued to: Check # Expense: Income: Description Amount Description Amount Total Expense: Total Income: Attach all RECEIPTS!!! Give completed form to the Treasurer. Stop and Smell the Roses A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you." Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?" "I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path." Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house." Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them. There is a lot of good out there. There is a lot of good in you! Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. Remember to appreciate all the different people in your life! Or as I like to think of it-if it hadn't been for the crackpots in my life, it would have been pretty boring and not so interesting... Thank you all my crackpot friends. Source Unknown |